The Steel in UNO or DUO

The Steel in UNO or DUO

The Steel PID - UNO/DUO

The STEEL range goes one step further and transcends Home use. It is a semi-professional coffee machine for home, offices, and even the Hospitality channel. 

The vintage industrial look will become the centerpiece of any kitchen. The newest version of the Steel PID includes a bevy of professional upgrades including improved volumetric controls, professional 58mm portafilter size, adjustable over-pressure valve, analog pressure gauge, improved no-burn steam wand, and thermoblock(s) insulation.

The Steel's new PID also includes advanced features like temperature and offset control, pre-infusion, power-saving modes, and single or double shot programming. The Steel PID is the perfect set up for the home barista!

Find your Steel here.

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